Sunday, November 3, 2013

Featured Student | Kaitlyn T

Kaitlyn T. 
College Freshman
Auburn University
Studying is an essential part of school. Throughout high school, I’ve searched through endless possibilities of studying methods. From making hundreds of flashcards to re-reading notes, I couldn't find the perfect solution. Once I was introduced to Cram Stoppers, I was able to find multiple successful solutions to remembering information. You can create an open-ended amount of quizzes, varying from multiple choice, to my favorite, matching as well as having access to a community library full of previously made quizzes. These quizzes can be based off of any subject from eighth grade to graduate school. Cram Stoppers has saved my grade on many occasions, especially anatomy, between memorizing locations of muscles and bones to their functions all throughout the body. This is a resource that I know I can rely on to help me survive college.

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